Ted Jenkinson – Reunion Cyprus 2002
Pictures Provided by John Scott 1987 – 88
ESBA V WSBA Football 1987

Dunfermline Warrant Officer
WO2 George Stein 8 Jan 1987
Jungle Trg (Cyprus Style) 1986

Dhekelia 1986
Maj Lyons Capt Wilson Talking Golf
Sqn BBQ June 1986
Visit By Brigadier Kelly May 1986
Brigadier Kelly during his visit, presented WO2 (SSM) Heath with his Warrant, the LS & GC to Sgt Rea,
Army (Cyprus) Hockey Colours to LCpl Saunders and WCpl Hill (not in the pictures)
WO & Sgts Mess Xmas Draw Golden Bay Hotel Larnaca
6 December 1985

ESBA V WSBA Inter Sqn Annual Cricket Competition 1985
E in C Visit to Episkopi 13 July 1984
All Island 10,000 m Championships 1984
2nd Cpl Fee 6th Sgt Fidler
ESBA V WSBA Postal Cup 1984
Football Teams
Sgt Newman Presented with his LS&GC medal by Brig James
March 1984
23 PC Sqn RE
23 PC Sqn RE Unit Parade
January 1984

Centre Row – L-R Cpl Halsey, SSgt Kehoe, Sgt Newman, Sgt Meek, Sgt Monks, Sgt Kielty, Sgt Cambridge, Spr Down, Spr Howard, LCpl Gaffney
Front ow L-R WCpl Chapman, WCpl Mellor, WO2 Cryer, WO1 Craig, Major Linden, Capt Wolton, SSgt Turner, WL/Cpl Wilkinson Insert Left – Cpl Fee Insert Right LCpl Treacher
Unit Tech Activities Jan/Feb 1984 Akrotiri
Unit Tech Activities Jan/Feb 1984 Dhekelia
Unit Tech Activities Jan/Feb 1984 Episkopi
23 PC Sqn RE BBQ
Held at the Victor Beach Club in August 1983
CBFC Visits 23 PC Sqn RE
Opening of the Pop Inn extension
2nd July 1983
23 PC Sqn RE Ten Pin Bowling Team 1983

23 PC Sqn RE Regimental Dinner
January 1883
NESAM 1982

Visit Of Brig PM Davies OBE Commander Land Forces Cyprus
25 February 1981
Visit of Maj Gen Taylor
Commander British Forces Cyprus 1980
23 PC Sqn RE Unit Personnel 1979
Flash Telegrams FPO Dehekelia
Cpl Jessiman with the new CYTA telex machine
Airiel View of FPO Dhekelia
Wonderful Copenhagen
23 PC Sqn RE Send Team to Demark
to participate in the 6th International shooting and 4th Sjaelsomarch
ESBA Posties V WSBA Posties Challenge Trophy
17 June 1979
Dhekelia FPO Counter
From the inside and from the outside
Football Bar-B-Que 1979
After the cup final

Dhekelia Dash 17 November 1979
LS & GC Presentation By Brigadier JW Bridge Director PCS
Those Receiving the medals were SSgt KJM O’Neill, Sgt WA Noden and Sgt DW Allen
Major WF Butt Towing out Col Yeomans (COL AQ HQ LFC)
On his departure from Cyprus – February 1979
275 PCCU RE NESAM 77 Unit Team
10 May to 12 May 1977
Standing – Cpl Bushell, Maj Wilkinson, Sgt Hambertlet
Kneeling – Spr Keating, WO2 Whitehead
202 PCCU RE (V) Training in Cyprus
3 June to 17 June 1977
275 PCCU RE (V) Parascending
7 Aug 1977 under control of Capt Eddie Lyons CCI
Presentation of Furniture to Akhna Forest Elementary School
24 March 1977
Waterloo 8 Road Race
2 March 1977
Farewell Parade For Air Marshall Sir John Aitken KCB Commander BFNE
275 PCCU RE formed part of a composite company Alexandra Bks 0n 25 March 1976
Army Minor Unit Cross Country 1976
257 PCCU RE Unit Team
Cyprus 1976 275 PCCU RE Dhekelia Dash Team
Photo sent in by Geoff Bushell
Standing: WO2 Mick Whitehead, John Bint, Maj Wilkinson, Mark Hawken, Tom Rourke
Kneeling: Myself, George Ord, Jimmy Keating, Dave Price, Reg White
Sitting: Ray Hills, Reg Black, WO1 Baker, John Fenson, “Ossie” Osborne
Dhekelia Dash October 1976
L to R Sgt Binnington, Cpl Black, WO2 Whitehead, Capt Nicolls, Lcpl Bennett, Cpl Williams, Sgt Rourke,
Sgt Hamblett, Cpl Bushell, Cpl Carson, Sgt Jones, Lcpl Hindley, Spr Thompson, Spr Shepherd, Spr Prosser.
Christmas Drinks 18 December 1975
GOC’S Commendation Cpl Fenn
22 January 1975
RE Cross Country 17 December 1975
Bazeley Football Trophy 1975
Akrotiri Winning Team
Bazeley Football Trophy 1975
Dhekelia Team
209 PCCU RE (V) Training in Cyprus
12 May to 22 May 1975
Commemorative Cover For The Closure of FPO S266 and FPO S296
1 August 1975
Inter-Island Cricket 1975
275 PCCU RE Dhekalia football team 1974/5
Visit of Quarter Master General Gen Sir W Jackson 1974
OC Maj Jackson 275 PCCU RE 1974
RE Dhekelia football team, 1969 – 70 season

Opening the new Pop Inn
Cyprus 1967
Photo sent in by Brendan Quirk
Cyprus 1966
Photos sent in by Mike Lambert
19 CPD RE Waynes Keep BFPO 53 CYPRUS 1957/58
Photo sent in by Mick Aplin