PCD RSM Boards
Photo sent in by John Jackett
Farewell to Mill Hill – 7th July 2007
Photos sent in by Margret Grant MBE
Farewell to Mill Hill – 7th July 2007
Photo sent in by Pat Hynes
The Last Parade at Mill Hill – 5 July 2007
Photos sent in by Doug Swanson and Mark Learmont
Doug Swanson writes: Most other folks on parade marched past General Sir Kevin o’Donoghue as Chief of Defence Material. We, on the other hand, march past him in his real role as Chief Royal Engineer! Very well led by an immaculate Capt James Fawsitt RLC – we were: Keith Blake, Jack Bullen, Bill Butt, Alex Carson, Chris Connaughton, Paul Deighton, Robin Disney, Simon Hardiman, Frank Lea, Mark Learmont, Wayne Parrott, Ted Ryan, Howard Stanley, Doug Swanson, Peter Wescott, Dennis Whittall, Larry Peacock (Branch Sec and Branch Standard Bearer).
Simpsons of the Strand 1992

PCS Farewell Parade April 1993
Photos sent in by John Scott
IRA Bombing of Mill Hill 1st Aug 1988
Photo sent in by John Jackett
Visit Of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth To BFPO London – 1982
Visit of MP for Finchley, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to HPD Officers Mess – November 1982
Photos sent in by Terry East
Queen Elizabeth II Visit to Mill Hill
Photos sent in by Doug Swanson
Lt Graham Meacher Accountant 1981
Philatelic Display Team
Photos sent in by Doug Swanson
Old Mill Hill
Photos Sent In By Brendan Quirk
WO & Sgt Mess – Home Postal & Courier Communications Depot RE 1975
Photos sent in by Robert Williams & Geoff Manning
WO & Sgts Mess Christmas Draw 1973
Photos sent in by David Blane
WO & Sgt Mess HPCCD RE 1972
Tony Lane, now living in Australia, sent in this photo of the Sgt Mess HPCCD RE taken in 1972.

Bob Williams emailed: “I believe the picture was taken in 1975/76 because I think I took it, so I should remember them all. I set the camera on the self -timer and dashed to my seat, Jack Bridge and the lads were “taking the mickey” saying I would trip over the tripod and wreck it all.
Various Dating Back To Late 60’s Early 70’s
Photo sent in by Peter Capon
Parade for the 100th Anniversary of the Post Office Rifles
Photo sent in by Mal Holmes
I found some pic’s when I was at Mill Hill, they were taken in Feb 1968 when I was on PTS. I went on SO3, then to MT by the end of 1968. People in my room were John Shoulder, Ken Regular, Boots Lacy. Some others on MT about that time were Keith Death, Frank Francis, Dave Robinson, the MTO was Sgt Riley, Norman Harman, Dave Hagley. I then went to Det Brize Norton Jan 1970, and Jan 71 to Det 4 Div Soest BFPO 106 and demobbed Aug 1973
BFPO London 1968
Don Campbell sent this photo of a Camp at Mill Hill , London August 1968
Summer 64 at Mill Hill
1964 Ships Section at Mill Hill
Mill Hill during the period 1961-2.
Photos sent in by Dave Vautier
BFPO London 1962 Visit of the Duchess of Kent
Margaret Grant MBE, now living in Scotland, sent these photos of her time at BFPO London
Bridge and the lads were “taking the mickey” saying I would trip over the tripod and wreck it all.”
Lower Camp Gate MILL HILL 1961
Photo sent in by Bob Williams
HPCCD RE, Gunsite Camp, London 1960
Bert & Kath Leighton – Gunsite Camp 1960 with contribution from Alan Davies’
The Picture Was Taken In 1960/61
Photo sent in by John Doherty
Mill Hill Administration 1960-61
Photo sent in by John Jackett
Home Postal Depot RE, Knightsbridge 1950
Photos sent in by W J Ives
Pre Xmas 1956 Get Together At Gunsite Camp